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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bondsman Proposes New Bond Program

Bail industry leader, Deborah Jallad, has proposed a solution to concerns about the implementation of the guest worker program for immigrant workers. Her solution--a guest worker accountability bond. In a letter to the Orlando Sentinel, Jallad proposes to allow bail bond agents to write accountability bonds for immigrant workers. Jallad also recommended that guest workers who violate the conditions of their Z Visa or guest-worker permit, commit a felony, or circumvent the immigration process would be subject to apprehension and surrender by the bail bond agent who wrote the immigrant's visa or bond. The agent would then turn the alien over to law enforcement for deportation.

Jallad also praised the bail industry’s track record, citing that the historical loss ratio two years after a failure to appear is approximately 2 percent for defendants released on private surety bail. She also said that a recently released study by the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics recognized private surety bail to be the most effective form of pre-trial release.

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