Serving Missouri with timely information about issues of the bail bond industry.

Although Missouri Bondsman encourages debate on topics of interest to the bail industry, please be aware that comments are moderated. Please observe the posting rules. No comments will be printed that contain spam, profanity, or libelous comments. Please post comments in a civil, professional manner.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bondsman Pleads Guilty to Federal Tax Charges


  1. Thanks for the link, I will check these and read the full story.

  2. That is an interesting story for a number of reasons. Working with bail bonds can be tough, but that is no excuse for trying to go around or cheat the system. I will never be apart of that profession, but I appreciate those who choose to do that work.


Although Missouri Bondsman encourages debate on topics of interest to the bail industry, please be aware that comments are moderated. Please observe the posting rules. No comments will be printed that contain spam, profanity, or libelous comments. Please post comments in a civil, professional manner.
